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Hillery Sproatt for Hygee & West

Spring 2024


Hillery Sproatt re-imagines her watercolors as a collection of delicate wallpapers and magical murals, exclusively for Hygee & West. These intricate scenes and elaborate environments are bustling with beauty and wonder. May they warm your hearts and your homes and inspire a deep sense of love and connection.

Wallpaper can be so joyful and intimate, especially in a home. I imagine my murals as peaceful and immersive dreamscapes, transforming spaces so you want to linger in them. As for my wallpapers, they are delicate and playful. Small scenes dance around the wall, inviting you to peer in and discover tiny worlds filled with love.



Hillery Sproatt for Sarah’s Silks

2022 - 2025


Designed to inspire play, Hillery Sproatt’s original watercolor paintings were digitally printed on soft Playsilks exclusively for Sarah’s Silks. The Seek & Find Playsilk collection was designed to encourage children to look closely and immerse themselves in open-ended, wonder-filled play. These magical silk landscapes are filled with joyful figures, animals and plants living side by side in harmony. They are made from natural, earth-friendly materials.


Hillery Sproatt for Hugomat

Spring 2021


Hillery Sproatt’s soft watercolors adorn Hugomat’s first ever printed collection. These soft, quilted mats allow babies and small children a quiet place to play that is all their own, wherever they may be. Each Hugomat is lovingly crafted by hand using natural materials.

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Hillery Sproatt for Nico Nico

Fall 2019


Designed exclusively for Nico Nico, Hillery Sproatt translated her original paintings into a collection of blankets inspired by Tibet and full of whimsy, warmth and wonder.





Hillery Sproatt for Rejuvenation

Fall/ Holiday  2017


Inspired by early - American folk art, Hillery Sproatt's original paintings were taken to Portugal and hand-painted on ceramic dishes, mugs, coasters, platters and crocks. With nuanced imperfection, these hand-painted scenes tell stories of family, tradition and everyday life. 






Hillery Sproatt for Unison

Fall 2014 + Fall 2016 


The Heirloom Bedding and Harvest Collection were designed in collaboration with Alicia Rosauer and Robert Segal, the owners and designers behind Unison. This family-owned Chicago based company specializes in timeless textiles for the modern home.