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Hillery Sproatt's fine art background coupled with the early influence of her mother, fiber artist and clothing designer Debra Weiss, fueled her appreciation for pattern and textiles. With a deep appreciation for fine craft, function and design, Hillery Sproatt translates her paintings into textiles. Inspired by Japanese, Scandinavian and Eastern European landscapes and design, Hillery's organic shapes, whimsical landscapes and childlike creatures draw connections between home and nature. Her intuitive painting process lends itself to the discovery of beautiful patches of densely knit pattern and abstract marks. 



Designed with our everyday needs in mind, Hillery's textiles meld beauty, function and form. Blankets measure approximately 50" x 60" and can be machine washed and dried. Each blanket is made of 80% recycled cotton and 20% poly, making it the perfect weight for year-round use. Proudly made in the USA from sustainable materials, these artful textiles are designed to be well loved and used. 



Recycled cotton is created from pre-consumer fibers and scraps that have been discarded during the cut and sew process. These fibers are broken down and spun into new yarns. This process requires less energy to make and conserves natural resources; small things that can make a big difference.