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The Seek & Find Playsilks are made in collaboration with Sarah’s Silks. They are printed from Hillery Sproatt’s original watercolor paintings.

Garden in the Sea Playsilk

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Sold Out

Garden in the Sea Playsilk

from $20.00

Get lost in the Garden in the Sea Playsilk. Like the sea, we ebb and flow as we learn and grow. Ever-flowing connections nourish us as we drift alongside those we love.

This Seek & Find Playsilk is made in collaboration with Sarah’s Silks. It is printed from Hillery Sproatt’s original watercolor painting, Garden in the Sea. It measures 21" x 29" and is made from heavyweight, 100% pure mulberry silk. Included with each Seek & Find Playsilk are one of a kind cards with suggestions for children to easily begin their seek and find journey!

Playsilks inspire open-ended play for children, they can be worn as scarves for adults or simply enjoyed as artwork pinned on a wall. Visit Sarah’s Silks website for inspiring ways to engage with your Playsilks.

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